Tilt |||

What is the definition of tilt? According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, tilt means the tendencies to have an inclination or to be slanted. According to the more appropriate and widely known and credible Urban Dictionary, tilt means the emotional state of anger after doing a repetitive thing over and over again that results in a negative experience. It seems that the two dictionaries are pretty similar in definition. If I ever get mad at something, I just slant my hand into my hands and facepalm at the decisions of my groupmates <3.

There was this League of Legends tournament on Saturday called Clash. For this time only, it was a 16 team bracket instead of an 8 team bracket, which meant that this event was going to be a big one. I was originally going to team up with my cousin, my brother, and his friends, but my mom got mad at him for something that she asked him to do (this is why I didn’t want to stay home for the semester), so we got his other friend to join. Anyways, that’s where the first instance of tilt started.

The second instance of tilt was the lag that I experience. The client was so bad that it took ages for me to log on and play the game. And to top it all off, my Google Fiber internet was acting up because someone in my family cannot stop streaming anime off Crunchyroll and take away the bandwidth. I need to start teaching them how to watch anime off illegal websites instead of wasting our parent’s money.

The third instance was when I asked my brother’s friend to give me a champion that I asked for in advance. Took him to the last minute to find my champion and once that timer ticked down to zero, it gave me a random champion. How does someone int at champ select? Anyways I had to deal with a fire child as a naked purple lust demon. We lost that game. In fact, we got 15th place because we lost 3 games. We only won the last one by default because the last team gave up after their third game.

The amount of tilt that I had on Saturday tells me that I should just stop playing League for the rest of my life. But I can’t because it is addicting and fun when you have someone to play with. Hopefully, by the time of winter break, I will be in a burnout phase and hopefully be grinding on the Wizard101 speedrun that I promised to do with my brother and cousins. Ice wizard all the way.

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