The Beginning of Autumn

For me, the first day of fall came suddenly. As I was busying myself with classes and clubs, the weather suddenly got chillier, and fall decor started appearing. I always liked fall, and to me, it was the perfect season. The weather cold where I would have to layer up before I got out, and it was not obnoxiously hot where I felt like I was walking in an oven. Spring for me is also a disaster, I have had very bad seasonal allergies since I was a kid, and would always be a sneezing, snotty mess. And to that, only fall is left, which automatically becomes my favorite season.

Things I am excited for in fall: wearing flannels and knit sweaters, and to drink hot soup again. Watching the leaves turn all shades of red, yellow and orange. I feel like Boston looks its best in fall. There’s just something about Boston and the autumn season that fit very well together, in my opinion.

Throughout the year, I feel like I have had a distinctive memory associated with each season. As fall comes around, I am excited to see what things would await me. Overally, I have had a pretty good year, and there are no bad memories associated with 2021. Compared to the previous year, I would say that this year really came through. So, I welcome this new season with open arms.

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Jimin Co-op Experience
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Bye September, Hello October (A note on mental health and subtle ASU dance plug)

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