Cottage Cheese

Do I Need Help?

My cottage cheese obsession is getting out of hand. What began as a fun snack inspired by TikTok food videos has become a necessary part of my daily routine. Over the past year, cottage cheese has slowly taken over my life, and I can no longer picture going a few days without it. Need a healthy, filling breakfast? Cottage cheese is here to help. Craving a sweet dessert bowl after dinner? Who else but cottage cheese? Want a bite of something yummy while making lunch? Say it with me, cottage cheese!

How It All Began

Last year, I was scrolling through Tiktok and began to see a trend of people eating cottage cheese as a meal. I love trying new foods, so I decided to try it. The first product I tried was Daisy’s fat-free cottage cheese. The curd sizes are average, and there is a good ratio of curd to liquid. My first thought was, “Wait, this actually tastes pretty good!” It is the type of flavor that can pair well with almost anything. Next, I tried good Culture’s low-fat classic cottage cheese, which has been my favorite ever since. Good Culture’s cottage cheese has smaller curds and is a bit creamier with more cheese flavor. After having it for breakfast for a week, I began craving it every day.


Although my obsession with cottage cheese might not be healthy, the food itself has many nutritional benefits. It has a high ratio of protein to calories, which is excellent for athletes or anyone trying to build muscle. A protein-rich breakfast promotes healthy hormones, which is especially important for women with PCOS. Furthermore, cottage cheese contains essential vitamins and minerals, including phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and vitamin B12.


My top 3 ways to enjoy cottage cheese include:

1) Creamy Green Pasta 

Ingredients: Olive oil, cottage cheese, garlic, spinach, lemon, seasoning -> blend and mix with cooked pasta.

2) Mediterranean Cottage Cheese Breakfast

Ingredients: Cottage cheese, tomatoes, cucumbers, basil, avocado, balsamic vinegar, toast.

  • Chop the vegetables and top them on the cottage cheese with salt and pepper. Drizzle on some dressing and enjoy with a side of toast.

3) Sweet Cottage Cheese Bowl

Ingredients: Cottage cheese, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, hemp seeds, sliced almonds, granola, and honey. Enjoy!

I hope writing about my never-ending love for cottage cheese will help me move on. However, now that I think about it, cottage cheese has brought me so much joy, and it is not as though it is unhealthy… I may not need to push it out of my life. Anyways, I hope you try cottage cheese if you have never had it! Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

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