
During winter break I was stuck at home for the first three weeks because everyone in my house including myself got infected with covid. At first, staying home with no real responsibilities and all the free time was bearable but slowly I got tired of doing nothing. To pass time, the only activity I could think of was sleeping. Up to college I always had a consistent sleeping schedule. I would get drowsy around 11PM and my body would automatically wake up at 8AM, even during weekends and breaks. However, when I started college, my sleep schedule would change day to day due to the uncertainty of my schedule and the homework I had. Which is why during winter break, I was able to fall asleep whenever and wake up whenever. Every day of break I would go to bed at 3AM and wake up at 3PM the next day, and slowly this became my new schedule. Now that I am stuck in the middle of my spring semester, I never feel well rested enough unless I get 12 hours of sleep. Which is why every day, I need to have an immense amount of caffeine and sugar in order to keep myself up, but this makes me have a sugar crash mid day and sends me into a sugar induced sleep that I can not wake myself up from. I am trying to slowly ease back into my old sleep schedule but the workload of my new semester schedule makes it really hard for me to do so.

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