I’ve never been lucky. I acknowledge that fully as a disclaimer to this blog. But traveling delays are horrible. No one likes them, they ruin your afternoon plans and cause massive headaches. Now why do I bring this up?
I’ve had 9 hours of traveling days across two trips. 9 hours that I can never get back. Earlier this semester, I visited my cousins in New Haven. Getting there is always the hardest part. The first was a fallen tree that effectively stopped the Amtrak entirely. I love the trees. I thought I loved Amtrak. I now do not like Amtrak. So in lude of these unfortunate circumstances, I decided to not repeat my mistakes. Like any individual who has had a bad experience with a company, I decided to try another route and or option to get to my destination. I took the Greyhound instead this time. And guess what. It was delayed for another 2 hours. The company fully knew that it would be delayed, but instead decided to release one hour delays over the span of four hours every two hours. I didn’t know whether I needed to leave to the train station or spend some more time with my family.
So moral of the story. Don’t use public transportation. Maybe next time I’ll take a plane.