My Inspiration

What motivates me to rise and face each day, without exception, is the unwavering support of my family, my dog, Tucker, and the vision I hold for my future. As the child of immigrants in the United States, attaining a college degree isn’t just a personal triumph—it’s a significant milestone for my parents as well. They sacrificed so much to provide me with opportunities, and I’m determined to honor their sacrifices. Tucker is turning seven years old by the time I graduate college and I always feel so guilty thinking about leaving him, but I keep telling myself once I graduate I will take him with me wherever I go. Lastly, I say my future because I want to travel and not have to worry about finances. When I am feeling overwhelmed I always think about my “Why” and these are it.  To sum it up I feel like the overall future inspires me each and every day.

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Finding Inspiration

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