Me in Three Words

If I could be summarized in three words, they would be independent, introverted, and motivated.

I would say I’m a lot more financially independent than other people my age and that is something I am proud of. Working part-time and balancing school, not overspending and allocating money wisely, as well as trying to set financial goals for myself have all been things I am working on and getting better at. The independence also relates to being able to be on my own and do things myself, something being the oldest of siblings, coming to college, growing up all teaches me to do. I appreciate the presence of friends in my life, but to lead onto my second trait, I am not someone who constantly needs to be around people to do things with.

Society views being extroverted more positively than being introverted, but I think a lot of that has to do with stereotyping and misunderstanding what being introverted means. Not to mention a lot of us fall closer to somewhere in the middle and not exactly on either end of the spectrum. For me, being introverted means I appreciate my own presence and can find a relaxing day by myself just as important as a night out with friends. I am definitely not someone with a social battery that is constantly high. Some things will always be more fun with friends around me and I value conversations I have with people. However, other things like watching a movie at home, reading a good book, journaling, studying at the public library, going on walks when I need alone time, all hit differently when I’m by myself. 

Last but not least, I chose motivated. It is always expecting more of myself, making sure I am doing well, wanting to work on self-improvement. I believe a lot of students are motivated and defintiely majority here at Northeastern. Being in an environment where other people are also aspiring to aim higher and achieve more contributes to this drive as well. Self-improvement means different things to different people but motivation enables me to make changes to better myself.


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Tested My Personality

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