Lowering Expectations

Over the past five days, I had to take three exams. Regarding the grades, let’s say none of them went superbly well. For these exams, I studied every night after class for a week straight, barring the day when I celebrated the Lunar New Year. Moreover, I went to tutoring sessions to make sure I understood the concepts. Thus, having gone through the same process three times, opening up the exam program, confidently taking the exam, and seeing a much lower grade than expected-it would make sense that I felt terrible. I could keep going on about the negative things, but I would instead like to look on the bright side. Although I tested poorly, I have a better understanding of the material through my studying. I can apply concepts to different problems. Overall, I have a better foundation to build off when I learn new formulas.  Moreover, I would have scored much lower than without studying because I practiced similar problems to the test. That is why I believe that it is better to lower expectations, not to the point of giving up, but where you can start focusing on where to improve and not face disappointment every step you take.

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