A Tale of Three Nights

Instead of dressing up in some fun costumes, I spent my Halloweekend a little differently than the rest of the people on my social media feed. On Friday night, we celebrated my roommate’s birthday and had a game night! We played Anomia and Cards Against Humanity until the wee hours of the morning and laughed (and *shouted*) so much that our voices grew hoarse. The birthday girl requested an apple pie and a chocolate cake, which I was happy to provide, but didn’t anticipate that I would be baking the apple pie from scratch. Though it was a long process, it was fun to make because it was my first time baking a pie. The end result was quite delicious if I do say so myself– even if my rolling pin was a reusable metal water bottle. 

On Saturday night, I attended a dance workshop, taught by Hayeong, a fellow AAC Intern, and we learned the second part of the Dance4Me choreography for one of the songs. Dancing has never been my forte but attending ASU Dance Workshops have been really enjoyable and I get to learn something new! I am excited to perform in the Dance4Me performance and can’t wait to see all the other club performances that night. Though I am worried about balancing homework, work, and assessments during rehearsal week, I’m hopeful that things will turn out alright! 

And last but not least, Sunday night! On Halloween night I attempted the most spooky activity of all: getting my homework done before the deadline at midnight. Don’t worry, I was able to ~persevere~ with the adrenaline of procrastination running through my veins. After submitting my assignments at the deadline, I dashed up the stairs of my apartment to give a big hug to my other roommate because it is her birthday today! 

Okie time to get a head start on my assignments this week so I don’t fall prey to procrastination again. See you later!

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