The First of February

One month has passed by since 2021 started and it is crazy how we’re just in the beginning of transitioning from COVID lifestyle as things are looking a bright with the new vaccine being produced and distributed worldwide. Despite this, many are still affected with on going quarantine guidelines but there are some helpful tips to stay motivated and enthusiastic.

One: Playing video games. I know this can be deterring since many are in school or have a job to get through, but occasionally they can help relieve stress as you can virtually communicate with your friends online and even have some fun since you can’t meet with them as much in person. Plus, wouldn’t it feel great to win after a long day of work and procrastination?

Two: Exercising. From the start of the pandemic, people have been binging Chloe ting workout videos on YouTube as they sought to be as physically active as they were prior to COVID. There are several at home workout tutorials that are great and safe to do, it also helps relieves stress as it allows you to stay motivated and driven. With gyms opening back up in Boston, it’s still necessary to follow guidelines as there are people who are more susceptible to the virus. Just this morning I went to the YMCA and was greeted by an elderly couple who were excited to get back after the two-month restriction. So don’t get too excited and be mindful of others around you if you plan on going out.

Three: Talk with your family. There are many that can’t go back and visit their family since the virus is easily transmittable and that may make you homesick. So be sure to call them once in a while since they’re as worried about as you are about them. After the restrictions, it’d be nice to go back for a homecooked meal wouldn’t it?

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