Study Struggles

I can’t find a way to study efficiently and effectively no matter how hard I try. Sometimes, I try to rewrite the notes given by a teacher. Other times, I read out loud to myself the important things to remember, or watch videos on the topic, or a combination of all of them. After years of trying to find the perfect method for me, I just can’t seem to get it down. If it works for one test, it doesn’t work for another. If it works for one class, it, once again, doesn’t work for another. Does anyone else struggle with the same problem? A lot of the time when I study, I feel as if I am wasting my time, and that none of the information I am trying to retain actually sticks. That is why I cannot go multiple hours at a time studying, in a row. After one or two hours of studying in a day, I feel burnt out. If anything, I feel as if I study too much, it’s just going to make me forget what I already learned, and end up being worse than before I started studying.

I’ve tried so many different methods: studying a little bit every day, doing the work hard play hard method, studying in intervals, etc. Nothing seems to actually stick around. Sometimes, if I do need to cram a lot in one day, I would study for thirty minutes, watch a show for 10 minutes, and repeat. Other times, I would just study for 5-6 hours straight then play video games or watch shows for the rest of the day. I can’t ever find a way best suitable for me. Anyone have any tips?

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