Algo Exam… I’m Scared

So far this semester, out of all my classes, I am most worried about performing well in Algorithms (aka Algo). I have no words to describe this class other than it’s difficult. Every class I take notes not fully understanding what is being taught. By the end of each lecture though, I feel like I have a general understanding of the topic. That is until I look at the homework. The homework takes the topics we learn in class and scales it up by at least ten. It’s a good thing we get about a week to work on the homework because otherwise, I think this semester would be a lot worse.

With that, all said our first exam for the class is on this Friday, and I’m scared. Maybe nervousness is a better description, but this test has me anxious. I do feel a bit better that we get to write a notes sheet for the exam. My plan for that is to write any formulas and definitions we’ve gone over then fill up all of the extra space with examples and notes from homework or class. Wish me well on my first exam in Algo.

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