
I have always had a bad habit of procrastinating on my assignments. But it’s not like “last minute” procrastination. It’s more on the lines of me doing an assignment a week before it’s due but only doing it at the darkest points of the night. This would probably not do well for the next morning, but sleep is for the weak. 

Procrastination may be bad, but it’s the urgency that I can create to complete an assignment. I get motivated when the pressure of exams and assignments are stacked upon me. Maybe because I enjoy the serotonin of accomplishing each one in rapid succession and allows me to think that I am productive.

Would procrastination do well when I go into the workforce? Definitely not. I need to start balancing how I stabilize my mental, emotional, social, and physical health while also completing goals at the appropriate deadlines. I am the type of person who wants to finish an activity first before going on break or starting another activity. I would take 5-6 hours on a homework assignment if there’s a question that boggled my mind. Probably why I seem to procrastinate. Because I fear not knowing. 

Thankfully, engineering is all about cooperation. Having a different mindset come into play can change the outcome of one’s understanding. Despite being under quarantine, I have cooperated on assignments more with my peers than when in person. Anyway, time to stop procrastinating on my studying. I finished two classes already and need to study for my final exams for two of my classes. I hope everyone does well and have a good winter break.

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