Places to Study on/Around Campus

Hello guys and happy last week of classes before finals! I’m sure you can hear my enthusiasm through the screen. As I am writing this, my roommates and I are stationed at different areas of our dorms, trying to absorb as much information from the semester that we can. I currently have two upcoming exams and two essays that need to be written so clearly I am pretty stressed out. It is a pretty difficult time for everyone, but I’ve found what has gotten me most productive during finals week is a change of location.

Now there’s nothing wrong with studying in a dorm, and for most exams, that’s what I’ve done; however, going multiple days without breathing in fresh air or stretching your muscles is definitely not beneficial. So to help, I’ve listed some of my favorite places to study on or around campus, besides the usual Snell Library or Curry Student Center.

Ryder Hall

Since I live in Willis Hall, Ryder is pretty close to me and usually has a lot of empty classrooms available to be used.

Caffè Bene

About a 5 to 10 minute walk from campus, this cute Korean café chain has delicious food, drinks and a soothing atmosphere. They regularly play different lofi coffee shop playlists and their decor is pleasing.

Caffè Nero

Located right next to Whole Foods, this coffee shop offers Wifi and sit-down so you can eat different sandwiches and pastries as well as drink a great assortment of coffees.


This bakery-café chain is also very close to campus, only about a five minute walk away. They have free Wifi and two stories, so you’re almost guaranteed to find a free space to do work.

ISEC (Northeastern University Interdisciplinary Science & Engineering Complex)

This building is super beautiful and relatively quiet. There are seats usually located on every story and it is the perfect place to grind.

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