Playing Clue

Tonight, I played Clue with 5 other people.

It was intense to say the least.

A game full of gasps and keen eyes. Riddled with skepticism and skill.

“Was it Green in the bathroom with a rope?”

Watchful eyes and skittering pens ensued.


“Why is everyone asking about the dagger?”

“Why is everyone in the bathroom?”

“What did you say?” “I said green with a wrench in the kitchen.”

“And who had the card?”

The game went on like this.


Then, Gwen (you might know her as another AAC intern!) entered the premises and stood in shock at the murder mystery before us. The murder that brought 6 unlikely individuals together. One of which was guilty of the crime they were trying to solve.

She looked at the envelope containing the answer to our murder mystery and uncertainty washed over her. Though she did not fully understand the game, she knew there was something off. It was then we realized perhaps our confusion was warranted. In a frenzy we asked her if there was one murderer, one weapon, and one location in the envelope and, lo and behold, she said there wasn’t. Rather, there were two weapons and one location.

We exchanged frantic glances. If none of us was the murderer, then . . .

It was the dagger that used the rope in the kitchen. 

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Revere Beach International Sand Sculpting Festival
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Friend came to visit me 😀

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