My ‘Addiction’ To Coffee

Until two weeks ago, I never drank coffee regularly. I would always see other people holding cups of coffee around campus everyday, but I was never convinced to drink it. I had sips of coffee here and there, and it tasted good, but still never started a habit to drink it, as I was scared of the idea of getting addicted to it, and didn’t think the caffeine would help me that much.

However, I realized that I was becoming a lot more tired than usual. I would have to wake up early in the morning everyday because I would want to eat breakfast and my commute to campus is longer than usual. Then, I would have to go to classes and work for the next 8 hours, and going to the gym right after. That’s when I decided to start drinking coffee, and to my surprise, it helps a lot.

Now, I would drink a cup of coffee every morning with my breakfast. As a result, I’m more awake in class, able to focus on doing my assignments, and able to go to the gym without feeling sluggish.

But, I’m not addicted to coffee. Trust me.

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