Morning Coffee

Every day seems like a tedious repetitive process. Wake up, get ready, get to work, chat with friends, and come back to do work and sleep. But what makes most of us process this daily routine of ours is a little caffeine beverage known as Coffee. There have been many methods to cultivate this smoky brown drink into our morning meal. French press, cold brew, k-cups, coffee powder, etc. However, what makes each process stands out is how it is relevant to each individuals characteristic or how much free time we have. For instance, during my time as an online student I had gotten much lazier as everything I had done was mainly in my room during the senior year of high school and I was afraid to go out to purchase nicer coffee for brewing, so I stuck with the nestle grounded powder which I just mixed with water. The process was easy but the taste didn’t seem as enjoyable to more complicated process of cultivating a beverage such as thai iced coffee, where it took more time for each drip of black liquid to drop but with a stronger aroma and bitter taste.

With the shortage of coffee beans coming closer each coming day, it is scary to imagine what will happen later on as peoples dependance towards coffee remains the same but the amount offered decreases each coming day.

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