In The Heights Movie Review! Spoiler: IT WAS AMAZING.

Do you like charming characters who can also sing beautifully? Heartwarming numbers about life, family, and friends? Stunning cinematography? A reminder of how strong the support of a community is?

If you haven’t heard of In the Heights, let me introduce you! With music by Lin Manuel Miranda, this was originally a musical that reached Broadway in the mid 2000s. In recent years, it became adapted into a movie-musical and was directed by Jon M. Chu, an Asian American who is also known for directing Crazy Rich Asians. This film follows Usnavi, an immigrant from the Dominican Republic, who owns a bodega in the heart of Washington Heights, a mostly Hispanic neighborhood in New York. He along with the other characters that live in the community, sing and express their emotions about yearning for a better life while also appreciating what they have.

Now that we have the background covered, I’d like to relay my numerous thoughts about this movie. As Lady Gaga once said, it was “talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before”. If it isn’t apparent by now, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND WATCHING THIS FILM. There is so much heart and soul in this film that can be felt, even if you don’t identify with the Hispanic/Latino community. The energy can easily be translated to other minority communities, truly making this an enjoyable movie for all to experience. In the Heights is exquisitely special and important because of its ability to bring the spotlight onto the Latino community and the various struggles of immigrants.

A key difference between the musical and the film was a special spotlight on Sonny, the younger cousin of Usnavi, who portrays a connection to DACA, or the Dreamers—showing the immense importance of this federal program. In the Heights was actually supposed to be released in 2020, but because of the pandemic, it was postponed till 2021. At the original release date, this side focus on DACA was particularly relevant because Donald Trump had tried to dismantle it when he was president. I really loved how the creators decided to add this plot and their efforts to raise attention to it.

Do you really need more reasons why to watch this movie? I don’t think so! So go forth my fellow students/faculty! It is currently available in theaters and on HBO Max.

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