I’m Obsessed With Wordle

I am obsessed with Wordle. And pretty much everyone else is too.

If you haven’t tried the game, the rules basically go as such: each day, there is a particular five-letter word you need to guess. You have six tries to guess this word. On each try, you guess a different word, and the game will report back different hints about the letters—if a letter turns black, it is not in the final word, if it turns yellow, it is in the word but currently in the wrong position, and if it is green, it is both in the word and in the correct position.

Now, knowing this, it wouldn’t be smart to guess a word like “staff” or “allay” for the first few trials, since those have repeating letters and not many vowels, and thus you’re wasting your guesses. Many people guess “adieu” for their first word because it has 4 out of 5 vowels, though I think people who start with this word everyday are kind of boring (no offense…but offense).

The premise of the game is relatively simple, but the simplest games are often the most addicting, as we’ve seen with Candy Crush, Flappy Bird, etc.

Maybe the hype for this game has died down a bit in the past month, but you can definitely still catch me waiting for the Wordle at midnight everyday.

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