Getting started this Semester

Why does it feel like the semester hasn’t really started yet? Maybe it’s just me, but even though classes have been going on for a week, it hasn’t really sunk in yet that this semester is underway. This feeling recently came to me as I started working on my homework for Algorithms. Sitting at my desk, it just feels like the ball has yet to be set in motion and I can’t do my work. I need my ball set into motion.

This semester I really want to be on top of my game. A few courses I am taking require a lot of my time, so time management is key. I need a kickstart to start that though. Planning is important and I have an outline of what needs to be done already. The problem is me. I need to give my figurative ball a push and start powering through the motions.


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Navigating Conflict: Attempt #1

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