Costco and Resolutions

This year, I wanted to give myself realistic resolutions. In the past, I have never attempted to make resolutions and when I was given the task to do so, I always gave myself unattainable and broad resolutions such as “eat healthier” or “Wake up earlier”. This year, I feel that my academic, social, and extracurricular life has been creeping up on me and it has been more difficult for me to keep track of my goals and expectations for myself. Which is why at the beginning of 2023, I wanted to set minor but achievable resolutions for myself. First, instead of claiming that I want to “eat healthier”, my new goal is to try to take all of my vitamins everyday. To start this, I went to Costco, and bought a pack of daily multivitamins and a jar of calcium gummies. I also wanted to be more sustainable this year, I have tried to be more sustainable in the past however, I feel that I can definitely do more. To start this, at Costco I bought a large quantity of daily living necessities to create less waste and save more. For example, I bought the largest volume of laundry detergent instead of smaller bottles. I also purchased a two gallon pack of refillable soap, and other reusable items to have in my dorm. I found that Costco was a major inspiration on my resolutions and I hope to make the trip whenever necessary to maintain my goals.

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