Coronavirus Cases Spike Once Again

Right as we thought we got Coronavirus under control, we see another spike. Over the past 14 days, there has been an astonishing 45% increase in new cases. On Friday, October 30th, there was a national record of over 98,000 infections. I even know a couple of people myself who have contracted the virus. There are still some people who believe Coronavirus is a political matter, not a medical matter. However, this is a worldwide health matter. According to The New York Times, some are convinced that the Coronavirus got too out of hand that it is too late to fix. I beg to differ. I believe that the pandemic can be fixed if we all work together and follow protocol. I wrote another article this past week reminding you what to do and what not to do. These protocols are still very valid.

I recently watched a YouTube video of someone who had contracted the virus. He doesn’t even know where and when he contracted the virus because he left the house maybe once or twice a week to the nearest small supermarket for groceries. Of course, he wore masks and frequently washed his hands or sanitized. He mentioned that he had mild symptoms coming into the hospital. However, as the days went by, his symptoms got worse and worse. Every day, his symptoms were different. One day, he would have dangerously high fevers that refuse to surrender. Another day, he would not be able to talk or eat because of violent coughs. This man was a healthy man in his early 30s. Do not think that just because you are young and healthy, symptoms will not be as severe. They differ by person.

So, do not think this is all over. It is worse than it has ever been here in the United States. Without all of our cooperation, we might never be able to overcome this global health and economic issue.

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