A Thoroughly Exhausting Week

I don’t even know where to begin, maybe with last Friday when I looked at the new Fundies 2 assignment for the week. The assignment was to make a basic version of the game 10 Bullets. A daunting task to most especially those who have just started coding. My partner and I had decided to start over a week before it was due. This was because we also had our midterm for Fundies the same week. We thought that since we started early that we would have plenty of time to work through it without spending over 2 hours a day on it. We were wrong.

I spent my President’s Day weekend mostly at Snell with my partner, just trying to understand the problem and only getting small ideas and code written. Spending a little over three hours at a coffee shop, only to have to change most of our code the next day due to the guidance of a TA. On Wednesday we thought we were at a good place. We had our bullets shooting up, our ships spawning randomly, and our game counting down the bullets. Then collision and explode became our worst nightmares. What was the most stressful was that our midterm was still looming over our heads. On top of my midterm for Fundies I also had a quiz in my other class that day.

Then the Fundies exam happened and that’s all I’ll say of it. After the exam, my partner and I met up at 10 pm to work for 3 more hours. Friday and Saturday both consisting of over 6 hours of work on the homework. By the end of the day, we had most of the cod, but our game did not fully work. By that point, my partner and I were so mentally exhausted with all the work we put in that we accepted that we had tried our best. So with that, we submitted our code and hoped for the best.

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Kevin’s Weekly Review Corner #3
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A New Week

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