

I’m Sophia and I’m a rising sophomore majoring in Computer Science and Design! I’m on campus for two classes during the summer 1 semester but I’m originally from Worcester, Massachusetts. It’s about 45 minutes outside of Boston. Some of my favorite hobbies include baking (finally got down macarons), film photography, and traveling whenever I can. This is my first semester working as an AAC intern and it’s been a really cool experience so far!

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Northeastern University Icon
Intro 😀

1 Comment. Leave new

  • Hi Sophia! Welcome to being an intern! We’re excited to have you. Very cool to hear that you’re a CS and design major – you’d be surprised at how many of our students have that same combined major! You’re in the right place if you’re looking for peer-to-peer connection/mentorship in your academic area.
    Although I’m not a baker, I am a SUCKER for macarons. I’ve been to France a few times for skating competitions, and every time I came home with a massive box of macarons. It’s an addiction.

    I hope you continue to enjoy your time here at the AAC! I’m looking forward to getting to know you better in my last couple of weeks.


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