Thanksgiving a Little Differently This Year

Every year, four families gather together to celebrate Thanksgiving with a grand feast of a turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, sweet potato casserole, stuffing, and a bunch of other Thanksgiving foods. We would always meet at my cousin’s house in upstate New York, where my cousin’s wife would wake up early in the morning to cook for 15. Although our families tend to eat Korean food when we gather on other occasions, on Thanksgiving day, we eat all American food. This has been our Thanksgiving tradition since about 20 years ago.

This year is the first time we are celebrating Thanksgiving ourselves. Our families have decided to take the government’s advice in not gathering in large groups for Thanksgiving. We are a family of four, with no experience cooking up a turkey or ham, trying to prepare a Thanksgiving feast. We tried ordering from Boston Market, but they did not have all the sides we wanted nor did they have an option for both turkey and ham for the 4-6 serving menu. Who knew it would be this difficult to order from Boston Market? Also, did you know Boston Market is partially cooked? Apparently, we have to heat all the food up at home before eating.

So anyway, here we are still contemplating what to eat for Thanksgiving on Thanksgiving day. All we have ready is a pecan pie from our local bakery and a 2 pound chunk of ham to heat up in the oven from the grocery store. I will give an update on what we decide to do with our feast.

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