Taking Advantage of College Outside of College

Stuck in an unusual position of being unable to completely rely upon parents for financial support, yet still a couple of years away from making money in the real world, college can be a new financial journey for many. Whether it’s learning about budgeting, managing loans, searching for scholarships or private loans, applying for and taking care of credit cards, or simply doing your own grocery shopping, these are all new experiences that new college students will face. So I’ve decided to try and lay out a weekly blog post dedicated to the financial aspect of attending college and the first topic will be learning how to buy as a college student.

Everyone knows the stereotypical struggle of college students, making ramen 5 times a week and unable to afford anything else. I want to help give attention to the various amounts of free money and cash simply lying around for college students. Using the .edu email provided by Northeastern gives you access to countless exclusive sales from brands trying to appeal to college students in exchange for brand loyalty and recognition.

Amazon Prime Student gives you a no-cost, six-month trial and then a discounted rate of 59$ per year. Being a new college student with a dorm to decorate and a closet to fill, along with all the new kitchen appliances, ensures that there will need to be a lot of items being shipped. Save yourself some money and use the .edu email to get an incredible discount. If however, you still feel like doing your shopping in person, almost every major store has college discounts, from Nike doing 10-20%, Champion at 10%, Banana Republic at 10% as well, Apple and Microsoft both offering discounts for college students as well. Almost every major store will have a discount for college students and even if they don’t, it never hurts to ask.

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