Street Soccer

Growing up in Venezuela, one my favorite things to do was to play soccer. I was too young when I started playing soccer to remember what my first experience was like. While playing organized soccer was really fun, my favorite memories of the sport are when I used to get together with my friends and play somewhere random, such as the street. We used to set up small goals and play with cars parked around us and moving traffic and no one really cared. We would yell “car!” when a car was approaching and we would move our makeshift soccer court and put it back together right after. When I look back at my childhood in Venezuela, that is one of the things I think most fondly of.

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Favorite Things to do Growing Up
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Childhood Activities

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Love this, Sam. That childhood environment sounds so ideal, we definitely couldn’t play street soccer in the suburbs of Chicago. The cars rule the land 🙁

    Are you still a fan of the Venezuelan team? I wouldn’t say I’m a soccer fan, but obviously keep up with the USWNT (I’ve watched their docuseries on Netflix so many times now – the new one about their last World Cup run where they did so terribly).

    • I have not seen the documentary, but it sounds interesting. The Venezuelan soccer team has historically sucked LOL so I follow the Korean team instead.


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