I hope everyone had a good spring break! I would say my spring break was a break well spent. It was a little sad because I couldn’t relax too much since I had to come back to 2 midterms after break, so I spent some time studying. I usually go back home to Orlando for my breaks instead of going somewhere crazy since I can do a lot back home. I spend time with family, go to the beach or the springs, go clubbing, and spend time with friends. So for the past 3 years I have done the same thing. This year, I spent the first few days with my family and studied a little bit for my midterms, that way I don’t cram everything at the last minute. I also went to St. Pete beach with my friends, went clubbing in Downtown Orlando, and rode the tall blue swing as seen in the image below, called the Star Flyer! It was horrifying because it was nighttime so you couldn’t see where you were going, and it was also super windy. It is always fun going home for break because it feels like a classic vacation, while I can also chill and spend time at home.