Preparing for my First DND Campaign

After exploring the clubs through the Winter Involvement Fair, I decided to join the Table Top RPG Club. As I attended more club meetings, I got the courage to join a campaign even though I knew very little about the basic mechanics. From what I have heard, each session will be weekly, and that the setting for the campaign is in 1920’s Egypt. The world may seem ordinary enough; however, the gamemaster has altered the world in that magic and gods exist. Additionally, the United States doesn’t exist. Instead, many long-gone civilizations like the Incas, Aztecs, Byzantine, and Holy Roman Empire still exist. As such, the five players and I will be exploring the world as characters we have created. I decided to be the tank for the team, meaning I have the role of a protector.

A short snippet on my character I will be playing, Andronikos Comnena, born to loving librarians, was raised in the Byzantine Empire. His parents taught Andronikos to love books. As he grew up, he trained to become a paladin of the Roman Goddess Minerva, whose domain included wisdom and learning. After becoming a paladin, an underground faction reached out and asked him if he wished to become a member. Now Andronikos traverses the world as a protector of ancient knowledge that may be in danger of being lost forever.

As the game sessions have not started, I am excited to play my first session and explore the magical Earth that the gamemaster has created.

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Co-op Preparation

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