Preparing for Midterms

Midterm season has rolled around the corner, and I hope you all are taking care of yourselves during it. For me, it feels like school just started and I’ve barely learned anything yet. But, today, as I sat down and looked through my notes and started preparing to study, I realized that I’ve learned so much material in each class already, so I have to start studying ASAP. We’ve already gone through seven weeks of classes and we only have about 8 more weeks to go. That’s really not that much, so keep your head up! Here’s the calendar with the last day of final exams marked. I hope this makes you feel a little better, like it did for me.

We’ve made it through about the halfway point of the semester and I know that a lot of people might be feeling unmotivated or just not as energized as the beginning of the semester. But, we’re all on the same boat and we’re going to get through it together. With upcoming midterms these next few weeks, I’d like to share a few tips. First, plan your days. It is so important to plan your days and try your best to stay on schedule. Your time is valuable and organizing what you need to get done prevents you from extra procrastination and makes you feel much more powerful. Next, eat healthy, sleep, and water. Pretty self explanatory, but everyone needs a reminder. I know it’s hard to get in a good night’s sleep every night, especially an eight hour sleep, but try to do your best not to do unnecessary things around bedtime that make you stay up. For example, sometimes I stay up for two extra hours after studying just watching Netflix or on Tik Tok or on Facetime and end up being up until 2 or 3am. Of course it’s important to take that time to just do fun things and relax, but just not excessively to the point that it ruins the quality of your sleep. Lastly, don’t wait until the last minute to look at your notes and start studying for the first time just because the exam is so “far” still. I used to wait until way too close to the exam to start studying because I would just never really feel any pressure or stress until the exam day was only one or two days away. But, I started looking at all my notes and trying to force myself to realize how much material I really have to know much more in advance than two days before and this made me feel the pressure and stress much faster. This early pressure and stress makes me feel more obligated to start studying earlier on and learn the material much better than I would have if I just tried cramming everything into my brain the night before. Also, it gives you more time to ask questions to your professor and it shows them that you’re really trying which is always a plus. So, try to stop pushing things off and avoiding studying by saying that you’ll just do it tomorrow or this weekend, and instead do it today. Even if it’s for a short amount of time, just start sooner than later. Anyways, you guys got this!

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