Paris Called, They Want Their Runways Back

Since I entered college, I’ve been very interested in fashion and how to cultivate comfortable and stylish outfits for everyday looks. To preface, for the past seven years of my life, I had the joy of wearing a uniform to school. My mind dissociates all till I go down the stairs to grab breakfast and then I begin to think about which route I should take to school depending on how late I was going to be. But all of that is in the past now and I stare puzzledly at my closet for a solid six minutes every morning.

In the winter, I found that I quite enjoyed the versatility of woven sweaters and corduroy pants— it was just a matter of making sure I was rotating through all the pieces in my closet. If all else fails, I could always just keep my coat on, and no one would really know what I was wearing underneath. Lucky for me, a good chunk of our year in Boston was mostly cold and choosing what to wear wasn’t a huge hassle.

But then came April. The sun finally decided to grace our skies and raise the temperature to t-shirt and shorts weather. There was a weird period where this change in weather happened so suddenly, and the temperature kept fluctuating, so I had to wear my long winter coat on one day and a thin top the next. Thankfully, we finished school by the end of the month and my worries about creating a summer wardrobe could be pushed aside.

Now that I’m at home, (and we are still in a pandemic!), I don’t leave my house much and if I do, it’s most likely a quick trip to the grocery store. But oh, dear reader! Don’t be fooled. I take every opportunity to take a quick spin in a newly formulated outfit and Wegmans is no stranger to my tactics. A new pastime of mine is to act like a mysterious, confident, has-their-life-together kind of stranger and frolic around the aisles with a sense of purpose. Who needs Paris Fashion Week when you can have a personal runway at your local market?! Though my summer wardrobe needs serious work, my sporadic summer outings allow me to take this process more leisurely. Onwards I go in my fashion journey!

I hope you are all enjoying your summer and if you’re in classes—we got this! We’re halfway through! 🙂

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Learning How to Enjoy
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A Surprise Attack

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