How My Body Has Changed This Semester

I am by no means one to voluntarily exercise or go out. However, this semester, I think I leave my apartment about once a week? Once every week and a half? Because of quarantine, I don’t have to go to class, I don’t feel the need to catch up with friends, I feel my body changing. Firstly, I have absolutely no energy. We have a laundry room in the basement of my apartment complex. I take the elevator to the first floor and walk one floor down, I do the laundry, walk back up, take the elevator, and walk into my apartment. I am already out of breath. I was not like this before… The other week, I went to Whole Foods, which is right across the street from my apartment, to get a 3 gallon water. I purchased the water and walked across the street to my apartment; I nearly threw up because my body was not used to the weight of 3 gallons of water. I am eating less and less because I am not burning any calories. I lost almost 15 pounds in the past 3 weeks. I am finding it more difficult to get the minimum amount of exercise.

Last week, my roommate and I felt sick. We genuinely thought we might have had Coronavirus because we had gotten our flu shots the week before. I was feeling body aches and headaches, and my roommate was feeling throat pains and headaches. Honestly, it couldn’t have been me who contracted the virus first because I didn’t leave my apartment! So, it must have to be my roommate, who works at a hospital. I was feeling too sick to leave the apartment, so my roommate, who was required to go to work the next day, got tested for the virus. She tested negative. This is when I realized that I need to change my lifestyle. I was so inactive that my joints were aching. I decided to leave the apartment at least once a day to get my vitamin D. I am now picking up my food from the restaurants instead of ordering from UberEats about 2-3 times a week. I made a Costco order from Instacart yesterday with fresh fruits and vegetables to ensure I get all my nutrients. I decided to live a slightly different lifestyle. It’s been about a week, and it is going good so far. I didn’t set unachievable goals like working out 3 hours a day when I never did in the past; small lifestyle changes here and there. If anyone feels the same way I felt, I highly recommend making these small changes. They do help!

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