Favorite Time of the Year

Almost every day this week, I have woken up in the best mood and excited to start my day. 50 degree weather means fall fashion and no more sweating on my way to class. The outfit I am wearing really controls my mood for that entire day. If I like my outfit, I start my day off good. If I don’t like my outfit, I become irritable all day. I love fall clothing, so it is rare that I start my day off on the wrong foot with the wrong outfit during this season, making it my favorite time of the year.

I thought it was crazy when I overheard people saying that it was too cold this week and that they hated this weather. It’s unfathomable to me that people actually prefer heat and humidity over this cool breeze and light warmth. I’m concerned for those people who thought it was too cold… this is not even a fraction of how cold it gets in New England during the winter.

The coming of my favorite season and the fashion it entails also gave me an excuse to go shopping. I definitely spent way too much money, but I have no regrets! My justification is that with my new clothes, I can start every single day in a good outfit and good mood. Once I start to have bad days, I guess that means I’ll have to go shopping again!

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3 Day Weekend
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What I’m Doing Over the Long Weekend

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