Entertainment (over survival)

If I were to be trapped on an island and could only bring three things, I could very obviously and probably should bring things that are important to survival (ex: a lighter, utility knife). But that’s boring, and not super interesting. Here’s the things that I’d bring for entertainment!

1.) Paints. Anything can be a canvas, if you try hard enough! And a pencil can be substituted with charcoal or even scratching a rock against another. So out of all my supplies, I’d want my oil paints to keep myself busy. I’m sure that there’s going to be tons of beautiful nature and beautiful sunrises and sunsets if I’m going to be trapped on an island, so might as well take advantage of that and spend my time painting them. I’d also love to really confuse any future stranded visitors on the island who will find elaborate paintings on trees and rocks and think, “Who in the world bothered to do this while probably dying and in a dire survival situation?” The answer is me. Think of Peeta in the first Hunger Games movie with his hilariously detailed camouflage– that’s the goal.

2.) A music player. I was considering bringing an instrument, because being on an island with nothing else to do probably is the perfect motivation to REALLY learn how to play it well. But, being stranded on an island would probably mean lots of trekking through the wild, navigating, gathering supplies, finding food, setting up shelter. Like, farming in a video game. If I had music to accompany me throughout all these tasks, it’d act as my life’s soundtrack to really me get through the day. Tired of walking? No, I’m not anymore, I’m listening to an absolute bop. Trying to build a shelter and I’m stressed out? No, it’s actually just like building legos or building IKEA furniture, and I’m listening to smooth jazz.

3.) My IKEA Blåhaj shark plushie. Amazing company. A lifeline to sanity during cold nights. Maybe having my own shark will protect me from the deadly sea-life :^)

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Abandoned Island
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Stranded on an Island

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