I’ve always had an active imagination but I didn’t realize how active it was until I hit quarantine. Night after night I would have the wildest dreams— in one, I’m in an underground bakery, the next, I’m on a peregrination through snowy mountains. However, morning would bring about a harsh reality: I was stuck in a pandemic. Every day blended into one continuous nightmare and I lost all sense of time. But, those nightly escapes into another astral plane, a parallel universe allowed me to live vicariously through my subconscious with no inhibitions. I was free! (kind of?)
As Friday, March 13th quickly and slowly became early September, I finally returned to some semblance of normalcy by coming onto campus. I felt the energy of the hustle and bustle of Boston seep into my bones— or maybe I was finally waking up from my 7 hour drive up from my hometown. Nonetheless, I was infinitely excited and grateful that Northeastern opened up campus so that students could have a ”traditional” college experience (with six feet apart distancing and wearing masks).
A few days into the school year, I had another dream. This time it was based on elements in my real life and contained people I had recently met. Before, all my dreams were nonsensical and I regarded them as silly stories my brain had made up. But this time, things were different. Overtime, I began to dive into the meaning of my dreams and oftentimes they helped me make sense of my life or rather, my subconscious life. Recently, I had two dreams that unearthed some thoughts I’d been having and something instantly clicked in my head as to what I should do about it.
And so, I invite you, reader, to begin thinking more deeply about your dreams, however strange they might seem! Don’t be afraid to reach out, I’d love to hear about your dreams, even if you’re positive they have no underlying meaning at all! 🙂