For some reason, being alone can sometimes be extremely therapeutic. Most people like to avoid the loneliness but there’s a huge difference between being alone and loneliness. Today, I felt sick so I decided to distance myself from friends out of their own safety. With this, I found myself feeling sad from the isolation. I decided to treat myself to Playa Bowls and was about to walk back to my dorm but decided to sit outside Carter and watch the sunset while eating. I’m so glad I did. I felt pretty crappy about myself because it was just one of those days but someone stopped me while I ate my bowl to tell me I looked “really pretty.” And that small act of kindness made my entire day. It made me realize that my worries in life are beyond insignificant in the grand scheme of life. It also made me appreciate the art of being alone for a moment. At the end of the day, who else are you going to have besides yourself? We have to learn to be content with only having ourselves.

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