AAC Dance Room


Usually after my shift at the AAC, I’ll head to the dance room downstairs. It’s always empty and I figured out how to turn on the AC. I’ve been trying to get back into learning and practicing dances. So far, I’ve learned two dances! One is Monroe Lee choreography and the other is by Tina Boo. I’m thinking of learning new choreography by Kyle Hanagami next time I’m in the dance room. I didn’t notice this until writing this post, but these are all Asian dancers!


One of the most helpful things for improving has been recording myself and seeing what I could do better. And eventually once I have practiced the choreography enough, I am able to relax and add my own style to it. As a beginner, I have a tendency to feel the need to copy a dance exactly, so being able to experiment with changing things up has been fun. I enjoy having the space and time to practice since I’m still not confident around others and take a long time to pick up choreography. Also, just discovered how to connect to the AAC intern speaker and may use that next time – it helps to be able to feel the music.

Side note: my eyes always burn when I’m in the dance room? Maybe it’s because there is no fresh air circulating down there. I’m not sure but I suspect there’s some irritant in the air.

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