Pan Asian American Council
The Pan Asian American Council (PAAC) was first created in 2005, as a response to community needs. Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) students on Northeastern’s campus sought a common space for dialogue that would unify organizations on campus. As a result of over 10 years of leadership by the Asian American Center, PAAC, and the larger community, the number of student organizations in our community grown, and the programs and impact of these student groups reaches more students than ever before.
We strive to hold up the three pillars of PAAC:
Self Knowledge
PAAC seeks to provide opportunities for students to develop knowledge of their own histories, identities, and the ways in which the stories of APIDA students connect, intersect, and inform what it means to be an APIDA student at Northeastern.
Community Awareness
PAAC seeks to create awareness of what it means to be APIDA at Northeastern and within the context of the United States. As a community, we have a deep history that often goes unheard. PAAC aims to give voice to these stories.
Intentional Allyship
PAAC seeks to build thoughtful connections regarding our experiences and struggles. Both within the APIDA community at Northeastern and with other marginalized populations, we strive to understand our collective struggle and seek to provide intentional support and allyship for others.
Although these three pillars lie at the core of PAAC values, the council also strives to be responsive to community needs. PAAC leadership recognizes the importance of building community by listening to and learning from each individual organization. In meeting regularly with executive boards, attending general meetings, and applying feedback, PAAC’s goal is not to impose its values on organizations, but support them in acting on what they find important.
Please email [email protected] if you have any questions
PAAC Co-Chairs 2024-2025
The PAAC is comprised of a student representative from each of the student orgs in the PAAC community and is led by two co-chairs.
The co-chairs lead the bi-weekly meetings, and work to ensure that the voice of the APIDA community is represented on campus. They also work closely with the Asian American Center staff to ensure that the community is supported from different perspectives.
The PAAC reps represent the APIDA community on campus and work closely with the co-chairs to create programs that highlight intentional allyship, community awareness, and self-knowledge.
Alidar Kuatbekov
PAACx is PAAC’s signature annual event. It is a student-run TED talk style event, where we hear from members of our Asian American community on topics they’re passionate about, from mental health, to sustainability, to colonialism.
Watch recordings of our speakers from PAACx 2023: