Graduation Year: 2021
Anisa Anuar
She, her, hers
Major/Minor & College: B.S. in Computer Science and Interaction Design // Khoury College of Computer Sciences
Where you are now? Full-Stack Software Engineer @ PayJoy
Past involvement with the AAC or on campus: "AASIA Co-Chair 2020-21 Team 442 2020-21 AASIA Senior Mentor 2019-20 PAAC Fellow 2019-20 AACC 2020 Workshop Facilitator PAACx 2019 Speaker AASIA Mentor 2017-18 ASU Treasurer 2017-18 AASIA Mentee 2016-17 ASU Freshman Representative 2016-17 NUGOAL Member 2016-17 Graphic & apparel design for several programs throughout the years!"
How did your involvement impact your experience at Northeastern?: The Asian American community at Northeastern gave me a second family. I am so grateful for all of the people I met and connections I made. Thanks to them, I have endless memories and zero regrets from college. I feel that I grew as a leader, mentor, and peer, and that was all due to my involvement throughout the years.
Your favorite memory at the AAC or NEU? It's hard to pick a favorite memory, since I have so many. But if I had to pick a favorite feeling -- it'd be the feeling of being surrounded by friends, just hanging out and vibing to each other's company. Not really needing any other source of entertainment but one another. Sitting in the AAC after class, tired from the day, and just being able to relax on the couches for a while. Those brief (yet significant) moments of tranquility.
What's the best advice you would give to current students?
"Trust yourself. Listen to the voice in your head -- whether it's telling you to ""apply for that position!"" or ""please, PLEASE take a break"" -- you know yourself best. Have the confidence to go for the roles you want and know you'll do great in, but also have the self-awareness to take a step back when you need to.
I loved being heavily involved in the community, but I don't know if I would've managed to stay active had I not taken a much-needed break. Burnout is a real and common thing among the community leaders. Put yourself first, because the community will only benefit more from your mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing."